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CCF Humidor Tracker (Humi Track)


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I'll be using this thread to post progress on the humidor tracker! Design work is in full swing now. Here's a quick screenshot I put together. 

Your suggestions/comments a long the way would be most appreciated.


This is just some dummy data so don't worry about the prices being wrong etc.


CMV = Current Market Value

DPIH = Date placed in humi

DIH = Days in humi



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Not something I'd ever personally use but if others want it, please chime in.


It's not my idea. just borrowing it from the other online humidor site i used to use.  However, I have used that feature on several occasions when I just couldn't choose myself.  So I let the randomizer choose for me.


If I didn't like the choice, I'd just press the randomizer again until it brought up something suitable.

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Can we change the units into "rest of the world" or metric? Most of the guys I talk to are not American and I hate looking like an idiot when I get my conversions off the top of my head wrong.

So, a French/English translator?

It's looking awesome Waylon!!!

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a column for notes would be good.  I like to input whether it was a bomb, whom it was from, trade, box worthy, never buy again, etc.  I like that you can have a multi humi option.  Are we able to mark each humi as private/public? 

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Will you have to input the cigar description yourself or it is going to be a database where you can choose from a list?

I have seen some apps where you basically go: New or add, brand, etc etc....


Will the current market value column get split up in 5, 10, 25, 50?


How about a link to our (CCF) cigar price list. It could get somehow link to the current market value column?. I have been procrastinating in adding values to the price list for a while but it may be a good incentive for all of us to start using it...


BTW, looking awesome Waylon!!!

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If this is going to be linked to the site, could there be an option (like a check box) that you can automatically start a new post in the "What really you smoking right now" thread, when you hit the 'Smoke One' button in your humidor.


Interesting idea but probably outside the scope for now. Perhaps a future enhancement!

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How about something that (if you allow access) shows like a smokes in circulation. So say you order 10 cohibas robusto, it will show how many BOTL have this smoke in their humidor, how many total in comparison to rest of the CCF -


EDIT - to explain myself a bit better...


Could maybe have a privacy setting if it is wanted to allow to show name or perhaps just a count.


Ex - I put in 10 robustos of "cigar" and it will show that 7 people have this in their humidor and you hold 15% of the cigars in circulation... or something along those lines, maybe a bar graph would be nicer to see. :)


Just an Idea

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